A recent article in the Columbus Dispatch discusses an initiative launched by Cardinal Health's with Ohio Hospitals that will reduce medical errors made in hospital settings.
We are launching a games-based learning software and solution that will help hospitals reduce patient harm events. The launch is on April 15, 20009.
Email Rini@pakragames.com to learn more.
If you are a patient and/or patient-care provider, then come join hands with us to solve this problem of medical errors that affects millions of patients each day.
We are all humans and we can all make errors. But we can
do something to reduce the ways that create these errors. Education and learning-by-doing is one such path of doing "something". We commend Cardinal Health for financing such efforts.
Think about the crash of the flight US Airways 1549 on the Hudson river, New York City, that happened the other day. I am convinced that the reasons that saved all lives on that plane are (i) years of practice by the pilot and (ii) investment in the infrastructure around the Hudson river (ii) practice of drills and safety by all crew on board and on the water and (iv) Luck and chutzpah.
Now, consider 8 such fully loaded airplanes crashing every week in the United States. That's the number of human deaths in the United States every week due to medical errors. Luck and chutzpah saves the rest of us who receive medical care every week and live to tell the story about it.
Can we not all join hands to save at least one fully loaded plane of patients?
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